Margaret LeJeune Margaret LeJeune

Winter 2025 Studio Update

My last newsletter was sent out Spring 2023 - a lot has changed since then! I appreciate all of you who have subscribed to receive this occasional correspondence. As social media seems to be experiencing a reckoning, I am shifting my focus to this space, in hopes to avoid the fickle nature of algorithms. For the time being, you can still find me on Facebook, Instagram, and Bluesky, but this may change in the coming months as I seek to limit distractions and instead, focus on my creative practice and making meaningful connections within my communities……

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Margaret LeJeune Margaret LeJeune

Spring 2023 Studio Update

I am excited to share with you several studio and personal updates related to my creative practice.  The past few months have been jam-packed with teaching and research; developing and overseeing the first in-person Society for Photographic Education Annual Conference since 2020; and creating lots of new work. It has also been a time in which I have been able to connect with many of you in-person after the pandemic put a halt on social interactions.  I am grateful for these opportunities and eager to see what lies ahead….

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Margaret LeJeune Margaret LeJeune

Winter 2022 Studio Update

I hope this message finds you healthy and well as we ease into the new year.  I am excited to begin my second semester as a visiting scholar at Rochester Institute of Technology where I am teaching a graduate-level alternative process class. It has been a real pleasure to work alongside the students as I develop a new body of work titled Thirteen Hours to Fall which includes salted paper photographs of the ghost forests on the eastern US shore. For real-time updates on this project, follow along on Instagram @margaret_lejeune ….

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Margaret LeJeune Margaret LeJeune

Fall 2021 Studio Update

It has been a while since I have reached out with an update. As we continue to navigate through the pandemic, I am grateful for your continued friendship and support. Your emails, FB and Instagram messages, texts, video chats, and phone calls have kept me grounded, even when it seemed there was no solid ground to stand on. I spent a large portion of the pandemic teaching remotely while traveling by campervan and sailboat. By embracing the vagabond lifestyle, I have continued my expeditionary practice while maintaining social distancing during these challenging times. Below are some updates about where you can view my work - in person, online, in print, and through Zoom!

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Margaret LeJeune Margaret LeJeune

Fall 2018 Studio Update and Print Sale

I hope that this update finds you well and that you have had a chance to enjoy the cooler weather and beautiful colors of the fall season. As you may recall, I am on sabbatical for the 2018-19 academic year and am spending this time living aboard my sailboat - traveling and making work about water ecology. I am taking some "shore leave" this month to attend a residency in Quebec and give a talk on my bioluminescent photographic work at the Midwest Society for Photographic Education conference in Lexington, Kentucky. Below are a few more updates on my work, travel, and a limited-time print sale….

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Margaret LeJeune Margaret LeJeune

Summer 2018 Studio Update

I hope this message finds you well-rested and re-energized after the long holiday weekend!  I am eager to share with you news of three exciting endeavors, a faculty-student collaborative installation, a new residency opportunity, and SABBATICAL!….

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